Agricultural Projects

AgriBioTech, part of Besana Group, is convinced that the production of nuts and in particular the Mediterranean produce (hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds) represents a magnificent opportunity to convert and give value to soils in Central Europe and through to the Ural Mountains. And there is an interest from new farmers to invest in new mechanised plants for non-perishable goods.

The worldwide demand makes this economically sustainable.

Besana Group has been involved for years in such initiatives, supporting the producer organizations of hazelnuts and walnuts with scientific know-how, agronomic assistance and economic aid.

AgriBioTech has therefore launched an ambitious agricultural project for the supply of agronomic assistance, plants and technical equipment.

The choice of new varieties is based on the individual territories and local areas for the supply of certified micro-propagated or grafted plants.

The Besana Group also gives commercial support and makes contracts to prevailing market conditions. Appropriate collection centres facilitate logistics and are reference points for farmers in the post-harvest phase.