Besana集团自从在距那不勒斯不远的 San Gennaro Vesuviano创立开始,到今天今天仍然在其历史悠久的办公室办公。这里是欧洲主要的最新性和先进的坚果,种子和干果的工厂之一。
在Interporto di Nola离主产不远的地区建造了一个新的物流中心,其存储面积约为10,000平方米。这里的仓库配备了最先进的物流技术。高速列车部分取代了公路运输,也起到保护环境的作用
Besana 英国有限公司 是Besana集团内一家特别重要的公司。它建于80年代末,位于伦敦附近,在Felixstowe港具有有利地位。 Besana 英国目前是在英国最大的运营商之一。BESANA 英国拥有最先进的包装、地热消毒和运营的技术,通过这么高级的机构Besana 英国会把产品来分销到整个英国和直到北欧的多个零售商。
Besana的巧克力工厂Vittoria Chocolatery于1986年在坎帕尼亚地区的Ogliastro Cilento成立。该工厂专门从事巧克力涂层,成型和调味,加工坚果,干果和种子,以及定制和手工食品。2010年,Besana集团收购了他们100%的股份,2012年成立了公司名称Besana 巧克力厂,在Ogliastro Cilento。该工厂的表面积为6,500平方米(2,000平方米在室内),拥有80名技术精湛,经验丰富的员工。每年的生产能力约为1,000吨成品。高品质的巧克力产品包括:常规,有机,无麸质和UTZ认证。Vittoria Chocolatery是最大的糖果组织和欧洲顶级私人品牌供应商的联合包装商。
The Besana Group, through Besana International, has responded to an increased demand for nuts in recent years. Using intensive growing technology Besana have increased production by planting new orchards. This area of activity ranges from Eastern Europe to Central Asia, and is particularly intensive in Kazakhstan.
Intensive orchards are primarily certified in vitro hazelnut and walnut trees (micro-propagated and obtained under laboratory conditions). The chosen varieties are based on trees that are high-yielding and resistant to unfavourable climatic conditions, various diseases, and pests. Intensive nut orchards allow a dense planting of trees and one of the mandatory conditions is the use of drip irrigation.
This range of requirements for intensive orchards (trees, drip irrigation, agro-accompanying for 3 years, etc) is an integral part of the turn-key orchard offered by Besana.
Besana International, together with its partners, also provides maintenance services for intensive orchards.
One of the key moments of cooperation between the Besana Group and farmers is the purchase of the finished products at a negotiated price (from the first crops and throughout the fruiting time).